What should I say?
I have sallied these weird feelings and thougts frequently these days
I don't really know why
Is it the night that made me so melancholic?
The moonlight has got me into this blue world
Am I being pessimistic again?
Guess I'm just lost directions and got lost
in the labyrinth called Life
I am a person who always look back to past
the things I have done,
the decisions I've made,
the people I've met
I don't want to be regret, I certainly don't
But somehow I just can't resist regreting
The question that I've been asking myself
"Am I just wasting my time after all these years?"
Regret is needless
Things aren't going to change
There won't be any difference, if thou just sit there and regret
"Gotta do something" I said to myself
I've to get up and fight
To achieve what I've always desired
To broaden my future
Since I've made my choice.
Then shall there be no regrets