- Aug 13 Mon 2007 16:35
- Aug 12 Sun 2007 23:16
Depraved Rhythm
- Aug 09 Thu 2007 20:19
The superstitions in numbers around the world
The Superstitions in Numbers around the world
Every different country has its own definition of the meaning for the particular number. Let’s find out the similarities and the differences. The example of Japanese: In Japan, we believe there are certain numbers that are ominous. This idea influenced people in many different ways. For example, numbers such as 4 and 9 are known as unlucky numbers. In Japanese, we pronounce 4 as "shi" and "shi" symbolizes death. We pronounce 9 as "ku" and it symbolizes suffering. Meanings of both numbers are very bad so that when we go to the hospital, we never see these two numbers on floor or room, because these numbers symbolizes death and suffering. There is also another belief, we think that a climacteric age in one's life. For example, age of 25, 42, and 60 is the climacteric age for men and for women, it is 19 and 33. People will tell them to be careful when they turned to that age because we believe that they have more chance of getting bad luck and something bad might happen to them. Not only Japanese are superstitious but Americans are also superstitious. Americans believe that numbers 6 and 13 are ominous because these numbers are known to be evil numbers. For example, in my apartment I do not see these numbers and we do not even have these floors. It is funny that how people are very superstition in these two countries and we based on ideas on numbers. From this we can see importance of numbers and how people are dependant on numbers when they build things and their events. Because we have believed this from a long time ago, it became part of our life. The example of Americans: In the United States, people often consider 13 as an unlucky number. For example, may cities don’t have a 13 street; many buildings don’t have a 13 floor. There are also those who believe that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day- one on which many things can go wrong. You can’t say they are wrong for believing this because there were some strange coincidence about the number 13. For instance, a ship- the HMS Friday- which launched on a Friday the 13 th, disappeared at sea. In 1945, people watched in disbelied on a Friday the 13th when the first atom bomb was tested. On a Friday the 13th in 1992, an earthquake in Turkey killed thousands of people. Although the number 13 is considered unlucky in the USA, the country was originally divided into 13 states. On the dollar bill there is a picture of an incomplete pyramid with 13 steps. Strange, isn’t it? For Taiwanese, 4 is usually considered to be unlucky for the pronunciation sounds like “dead”. Due to this reason, many hotels often don’t have 4 floor, it is also that some supernatural things often happened on that floor. Also, people don’t give gifts in multiples of 4. Another example is in the restaurant. It is common that if we have a group of four people; however, people will say “3+1” instead of 4 in order to avoid the unlucky meaning. I think these kind of superstitions are really fun and interesting. I do believe these superstitions, after all some of it has an ancient origin. It must have some reasonable reason for surviving such a long time, isn’t it?
- Aug 08 Wed 2007 20:50
這本書讓我有很深的感觸, 作者不僅對書中動物的描寫唯妙唯肖, 且每個動物都剛好象徵著人類的階層, 如書裡的老少校, 其實角色就像國父, 他憂愁動物的生活, 動物的福祉, 所以希望他們能趕走人類, 自己當家作主. 只可惜他還來不及看到革命成功就先走一步了. 而趕走人類後, 帶頭革命的豬們一開始也的確照著它所訂下的七戒走, 農莊一片欣欣向榮. 再歷經幾次人類反攻後, 始終屹立不搖. 照理是沒什麼後顧之憂了. 但領導者內部卻產生了內哄, 拿破崙, 趕走了帶領動物打倒人類並提高動物生活品質的雪球, 還胡亂造謠, 使它成為了叛國者, 罪犯. 這或許就是政治世界裡沒有永遠的朋友吧? 曾並肩作戰的朋友, 有難同當, 卻無法有福同享. 政治是複雜, 利益糾葛, 當面臨意見分歧時, 就想辦法把對手除掉或封住他的口. 裡面的馬則是無知的民眾, 只要領導者說什麼就照單全收,惟知道勤奮努力, 被利用到沒價值了就被一腳踢開, 忠心的羊群們就像是以前的紅衛兵, 為反對而反對. 裡面的驢子班哲明則是明哲保身的隱者
大權在握的拿破崙便開始一連串的屠殺行動, 將所有反對自己的一一除去, 這行為我們在歷史中屢見不鮮, 共產黨的毛澤東就用了鬥爭, 文化大革命來除異己之人, 甚至古代的趙高”
指鹿為馬”, 權力會腐化人心, 在了解到權力美妙的拿破崙開始走回頭路並推翻七戒,還將自己塑造成所有人的英雄幾乎快等於神了, 比人類還更野蠻. 他們開始穿衣服, 睡床 和人類從事金錢交易. 豬成了所有動物中最尊貴的種族. 記得這些都是當初老少校所禁止的, 因為這些行為都有邪惡意義, 會使人自相殘殺. 從這裡我們能看出作者意有所指, 人類的確是個貪心的動物, 為了錢 能做出許多傷天害理的事情. 多麼醜陋 原本天真聰明的豬就這樣一步步的越來越像人類, 到最後也同流合污. 其他那些可憐的動物哪裡知道他們的領導者正一步步的帶領他們進入另一個深淵呢? 只是傻傻的相信只要他們更努力 生活會更好, 不然人類又會回來虐待他們. 殊不知, 他們現在的生活和以前相去不遠.
大權在握的拿破崙便開始一連串的屠殺行動, 將所有反對自己的一一除去, 這行為我們在歷史中屢見不鮮, 共產黨的毛澤東就用了鬥爭, 文化大革命來除異己之人, 甚至古代的趙高”
指鹿為馬”, 權力會腐化人心, 在了解到權力美妙的拿破崙開始走回頭路並推翻七戒,還將自己塑造成所有人的英雄幾乎快等於神了, 比人類還更野蠻. 他們開始穿衣服, 睡床 和人類從事金錢交易. 豬成了所有動物中最尊貴的種族. 記得這些都是當初老少校所禁止的, 因為這些行為都有邪惡意義, 會使人自相殘殺. 從這裡我們能看出作者意有所指, 人類的確是個貪心的動物, 為了錢 能做出許多傷天害理的事情. 多麼醜陋 原本天真聰明的豬就這樣一步步的越來越像人類, 到最後也同流合污. 其他那些可憐的動物哪裡知道他們的領導者正一步步的帶領他們進入另一個深淵呢? 只是傻傻的相信只要他們更努力 生活會更好, 不然人類又會回來虐待他們. 殊不知, 他們現在的生活和以前相去不遠.
- Aug 07 Tue 2007 14:55
青少年次文化 之 火星文
次文化定義: 非主流, Subcultures)---特定群體的文化,其價值與行為規範跟宰制文化不同。*非由年齡、社會地位、…決定的。
次文化定義: 非主流, Subcultures)---特定群體的文化,其價值與行為規範跟宰制文化不同。*非由年齡、社會地位、…決定的。